Third Party, Fire and Theft Insurance

The minimum amount of cover you should have on your car is Third Party, Fire and theft Insurance which covers you to a certain extent against damage to the other persons vehicle in the event of an accident as well as cover to your own vehicle as a result of fire or...

Business Insurance Comparison

Business Insurance is an often overlooked area of business expenses in that the management of the business are focussed on performance and have an insurance consultant who looks after their insurance. These types of relationships in business sometimes result in the...

Legal insurance

Legal fees can be crippling if you are not a wealthy individual. We live in a society who are all too quick to litigate and you need legal protection that will not break the bank. To give you an example, a lawyer charges anything from R1500/hour at the lowest end of...

Business insurance | cheap business insurance

Your business assets including proprietary information. computers, copiers and furniture can be fully insured at very competitive rates thanks in part to the ability to compare business insurance quotes online. You are very busy and insurance sales people or business...