no medical exam life insuranceNo medical exam is required with certain life insurance and that includes life insurance for people living with HIV.

If you are a healthy individual who does not have HIV or any other life threatening disease that runs in your family and you need quick life insurance cover, you can simply make the application, answer the questions honestly and you will be covered. It is important to note that if you do not disclose any condition which you may have or a condition in your family, your dependents will not be paid out due to non disclosure.

The old adage of the Life insurance companies trying to find any way not to pay out a claim is very unfair but by the same token, if you have not fully disclosed any condition or circumstance which will effect the risk on your life, the Life inurance company is at a greater risk of losing money by insuring your life and they simply will not pay out.

Many people living with HIV are more comfortable taking out life insurance over the telephone and the process is no different to any other customer. If you are living with HIV you will simply need to disclose that fact along with the other questions asked and you will be covered. The fact that HIV is a common affliction and medication, lifestyle and diet are making significant differences both in the quality of life and length of life of HIV positive people has contributed to the acceptance of HIV as a disease that does not necessarily reduce the length of life.

Get a quote on life insurance if you are living with HIV, you will pleasantly surprised at how low the premiums are. No longer is it necessary for your family to be left without a lump sum should you die simply because you have HIV.