Clientele The life insurance companies are beginning to offer HIV positive people life insurance now that there is solid statistical evidence that living with HIV is not a death sentence. While HIV infection is still far to high to be acceptable in the eyes of the insurance companies, there is enough evidence that people are living long healthy lives while still carrying the virus.

Life insurance for HIV positive people is available from All Life with a policy designed specifically at providing life insurance for those living with HIV. It has taken such a long time for the life insurance companies to offer products to HIV positive individual due to the lack of statistics and research to enable the life companies actuaries to assign risk of death after having living with HIV for various numbers of years. This information is now comprehensive and with people living with HIV currently living after more than 30 years of infection, it allows them to build statistical models that asses the risk and enables them to assign a premium.

Finally, living with HIV does not preclude you from getting life insurance and you are able to ensure that your family is taken care of should you die. HIV positive people do not all die from illness related to their HIV infection and of course the HIV lobbyists have been very effective in introducing non discriminatory policies in all sectors of the economy.

Take up your right to have life insurance and offer to your family, what every other South African not living with HIV has the opportunity to do. If you are living with HIV, get a life insurance quote, there is absolutely no obligation and you do not have to take up any offer, but it would be wise to find out what it costs!

Contact us to discuss HIV Insurance options