Short term insurance can be a very costly exercise should you opt for all of the addons that a policy can incorporate. There are a number of ways to bring down you short term insurance cost by accepting certain amount of the risk yourself. We have seen some short term insurance, in particular car insurance premiums significantly reduced by the vehicle owners accepting a small amount of risk or combining short term insurance companies and using the same insurer for your car and household Insurance needs.
1. The first and most effective way of automatically lowering your short term insurance cost is by using the same insurer to cover both your car and household items. There is not a single business in South Africa that will not offer you some form of discount to buy 2 of something as opposed to 1, so if your car and household insurance are with different insurers, start right now by completing the Insurance quote request form.
2. Reducing the number of specified items on your household insurance policy and updating the value of these specified items. If you can absolutely not do without something and it is a fairly high risk item, specify it at the right price. Go through your list of specified items and their values on your household insurance policy, there are very likely a number of items like ipods, cellphones etc which the cost of insurance does not warrant keeping specified. Take items off that are very unlikely to get stolen and by that I mean large furniture items and large paintings.
3. Find out what difference it will make to your short term insurance premiums if you install additional security features like CCTV or security gates. In many cases the saving justifies renting the equipment and not only having additional security but saving money as well.
4. Car Insurance can be brought right down by opting for third party, fire and theft and taking the risk that you will not be in an accident. This is a calculated risk that makes a huge difference to your premium. Find out if it is worth considering by getting quick quotes from our experienced agents. There is no obligation and no cost attached.
5. Opting to increase the excess portion will also reduce your premium, not only because the insurer will have less to cover in the event of a loss but because you are taking a responsible stance towards your driving and the threshold at which it is worth making a claim is a lot higher.
Remember that every claim you make effects your future insurance cost, by electing not to claim and covering the first few thousand rand yourself is often more effective than any other strategy when is comes to reducing the cost of your short term insurance.
Use our completely free service to weigh up your options, you are not obligated to accept anything and are not charged anything. If we save you money and you do accept our offering, the Insurance company pays us a fee, so go ahead give it a go and know what your options are.